Pricing policy

Our pricing policy is subject to tough antitrust and competition regulations. We make sure that it still works: from discount campaigns to slowing down price knights in price search engines. We make more things possible than one might think.



Of all marketing mix policies, pricing policy has the most direct influence on the margin. However, the legal requirements are quite tight: price agreements or specifications, for example, are no-gos under antitrust law.

We will help you to actively influence the price structure throughout your entire sales organization and to make it stable. Even if the direct route is blocked by antitrust law, we know creative ways to effectively slow down price breakers. You want to be listed in some, not all price search engines? You don't feel like assigning your margin to Amazon? We will show you how to implement this cleanly and in accordance with antitrust and competition law.

In addition, we will help you to set up discount systems, design special promotions, prize draws and much more.

What we can do for you:

  • Preparation of terms of delivery and payment
  • Development of discount and customer loyalty systems
  • Warranty terms
  • Checking discount promotions
  • Development of financing models

Preparation of delivery and payment conditions

Terms of delivery and payment regulate when, where and how the parties must fulfil their contractual obligations. They are thus the core of the contract design and an important building block in the design of the legal relationships between your company and its partners.

Carefully prepared conditions can mo-dify the circumstances of delivery and payment provided for by law in favour of your company. We will advise you on where a deviation from the statutory regulations is permissible and economically sensible. You ensure that the exchange of services with your customers functions smoothly by means of precisely fitting delivery and payment conditions.

Development of financing models

The offer of payment deferrals, instalment transactions or other financial aids may strengthen the customer's decision to purchase. This applies in particular to high-priced consumer goods.

We advise you on which financing model makes sense for your products and develop the necessary contractual conditions.

Warranty terms

A guarantee strengthens the customer's confidence in the quality of the product. It grants the customer - beyond the statutory warranty claims - further claims to which he is entitled in the event of defects in the product. The guarantee is therefore a voluntary service provided by the seller (dealer guarantee) or the manufacturer (manufacturer guarantee), which can be used effectively as a marketing instrument.

We create tailor-made warranty conditions that cover exactly the cases you want to cover. For example, the warranty conditions specify the period during which the warranty is valid and the obligations that the customer must fulfill in order to be able to claim services under the warranty. In this way, you ensure that the warranty only applies in specific, contractually precisely defined cases.  

Checking discount promotions

Discount campaigns are a popular means of sales promotion. From a legal point of view, the requirements of competition law must be observed. This applies both to the application and to the execution of the discount campaign.

For example, the conditions of a discount campaign, such as the duration and amount of the discount, must be made transparent. If certain goods are to be excluded from a discount campaign, these goods must be expressly named.

The customer must also not be deceived about the granting of a special price advantage, for example by artificially increasing the price shortly before the discount campaign in order to then reduce it again as part of the discount campaign.

In the case of tying offers, transparent pricing must also be ensured. For example, an inexpensive individual service may not be eye-catchingly highlighted if the follow-up or additional costs of the other (more expensive) individual service are concealed.   

Development of discount and customer lo-yalty systems

Discount and customer loyalty systems come in different forms - for example as loyalty points, customer cards or bonus programs. However, all these sales promotion measures pursue the same purpose: they are intended to bind the customer to the company.

From a legal point of view, it is crucial that the conditions of participation are clearly communicated. In particular, it must be determined which advantages the customer receives when he buys which goods or uses which services. In addition, it must be determined whether the benefits that the customer can take advantage of expire after a certain period of time.

Data protection also plays an important role in customer loyalty systems. After all, the goods or services consumed can be used to draw conclusions about the preferences, interests and living conditions of the customer. The customer must therefore be informed of what data is collected by the company and for what purposes it is used.